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2023-01-04 15:13:55 来源:

用英语求助别人的句子 精选71句

1. The whole class is in a heated discussion.

2. It’s bleeding. You’d better see a doctor about that cut.


3. I hope you’ll be well soon.

4. Has everybody got a sheet?

5. It hurts right here.

6. There are always two sides to everything.

7. Please give me a hand.

8. Any questions?

9. Much better.

10. Call the doctor!

11. Do you feel better now?

12. I"m broke。

13. With pleasure.

14. Could you tell me where I can find these books?

15. Come in, please.

16. May I come in?

17. I am behind you。

18. He is a very creative student.

19. Brilliant idea!这

20. Are you with me?

21. Call me tomorrow if you have time.

22. I want to hear your opinion.

23. You’ve got the point.

24. That’s the point.

25. That depends。

26. Take two pills and have a good rest.

27. I"m not going to kid you。

28. Have I made myself clear?

29. I’ll call the roll before class.

30. Finally, we came to an agreement.

31. That’s ok/fine.

32. Please give me your advice.

33. Do you have any idea?

34. Would you help me remove the refrigerator?

35. Absolutely right.

36. Mind you!

37. What you have said about this is very interesting.

38. Do you really want to know what I think?

39. Could you do me a favor?

40. You are a great help。

41. Is there any evidence to support what you have said?

42. I think you’re mistaken about that.

43. Here!

44. My fever is gone.

45. He was absent yesterday. Do you know why?

46. Not at all.

47. Well, it depends.

48. Make me a cup of coffee, will you?

49. I’m sick.

50. I don"t know for sure。

51. I’m sorry. I’m busy now.

52. That’s excellent.

53. Let’s just run through the arguments for and against.

54. I’ve got a pain in my back.

55. Is that right?

56. Congratulations。

57. No, I don’t think so.

58. Would you mind closing the window for me?

59. Is that ok?

60. It really hurts.

61. I don’t feel very well.

62. I suppose he was sick.

63. Sit down, please.

64. What’s the matter with you?

65. You can count on it。

66. Any different opinion?

67. Would you please open the door for me?

68. How are you feeling today?

69. I never liked it anyway。

70. Get me my coat, please.

71. That’s all for today.

用英语求助别人的句子 精选19句

1. I cannot agree with you on this point.

2. He’s got a bad headache.

3. I don’t think it’s necessary for us to discuss this question any further.

4. It’s time for class.

5. Has anybody else anything to say on this?

6. I couldn"t be more sure。

7. May I ask you a question?

8. Will it rain tomorrow?

9. What do you think about it?

10. Do you really mean it?

11. Could you say it again?

12. Does anybody share David’s opinion?

13. That"s something。

14. Please turn in your paper before leaving.

15. Certainly.

16. Don"t play games with me!

17. Thanks anyway。

18. Please sum up what you said just now.

19. It"s a deal。






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